domingo, 10 de febrero de 2008

How should be an academic text?

Being in the tenth semester about to deliver thesis is ripe to discuss How should be an academic text? In an academic text must exist logical development of the information. That means organizing information so as to understand how the ideas relate to each other and with the conclusions reached or with the objective to be achieved. Why is this important? When information is presented in a logical manner, the reader understands, accepts and recalled more easily.

To organize the content of the text in a logical manner, you must first set a goal. They answered the following questions: Do we want only reporting on the subject? Is intended to prove or disprove an idea? Or is the purpose of the text lead to action?

To submit information and do so effectively it is necessary to take into account what other researchers have already shown on the subject, which referred the matter there and then must organize information in a way to achieve the goal.

It is important to bear in mind also that the exposure of the information should be organized. This can be done in some ways including:

1 .-) Organizing information thematically.

2 .-) Exhibition orderly information.

3 .-) Use only relevant information.

The Warao

The Warao and culture as old in Venezuela is estimated that owns about 3,500 years. They belong to philum linguistic unknown and many anthropologists and linguists have been assigned to various linguistic systems, and among them, some as distant and remote as the Maya Mesomérica.

Others claim that they are Macro-Chibchas in the Andean region of Colombia. The Warao, are "people of water," living in the great Orinoco River Delta, and its territory of about 20,000 square kilometers, is 80% water and vegetation of the area is suitable for thousands of years, the rise getting water as the tide of the Atlantic Ocean that rises and falls every 8 hours.

With deforestation carried out through destructive policies of their environment, many Warao have left their territory, and now many of them are doing the role of beggars in the cities of Caracas, Ciudad Bolivar, Pto Ordaz, San Félix y Pto La cruz.

Fragment of the text "culture Warao, survival and struggle" for Ronny Velasquez

jueves, 7 de febrero de 2008

My experience...Zero stress

zero stress
Dealing with a language that you don´t know and facing a society that somehow forces you to know it, can generate a huge amount of frustration on you and that is how I used to feel, frustration. Why should I have to learn in four months adjectives, nouns, names, pronouns, present, past, future, simple, continuous, progressive and endless grammatical things.

Then everything started to change and the situation became easier for me since I had to associate the meaning of the words in a context, something that somehow flowed better.

Now I have to write, and teaching plays an important role, because with a professor who has a philosophy of distance education I have succeeded in overcoming those old traumas, so in an really modern and dynamic way have succeeded in overcoming the frustration of the first times.

It is not that I am bilingual, but I feel that I have progressed on this subject…and I am praying that the English that I will have to see next semester will be as practical, dynamic and creative as this one. English III adjust to a perfect English words for the audiovisual sector. Well why!

jueves, 17 de enero de 2008

Now we are going by bus

Two friends are talking in a coffe house, One of them looks to the girl who is sitting at the table.

The boy tells his friend that this girl is watching this long while and he wants conquer. His friend tells him to talk to her, the girl is standing in…

This video was made for the competition film atom within the Venezuelan Film Festival held in Merida 2007.

lunes, 14 de enero de 2008

El sapo Bruno/ The toad Bruno

The toad Bruno

The toad Bruno was the best singer, an excellent actor, a wonderful tap dancer a very successful in the theater. He was loved an admired by everyone. He had a girlfriend who loved him a lot. But he wasn’t happy he didn’t want to be a toad anymore.

One day he told his girlfriend that he was looking for a princess to kiss him and that they couldn’t be together any longer. Bruno stared looking for the kiss of a princess. He crossed the seas, rivers, lands and skied until he got to the princess.

The princess kissed it. Bruno ran to spring to see his new look, but it showed a sad toad faced sadness. He began to walk aimlessly; the toad is very very sad, suddenly it turned and saw his girlfriend.

The toad Bruno apologized and she embraced, him asked to return to the theater that large audience that is waiting. Bruno the toad retured to be hailed by tall.