domingo, 10 de febrero de 2008

How should be an academic text?

Being in the tenth semester about to deliver thesis is ripe to discuss How should be an academic text? In an academic text must exist logical development of the information. That means organizing information so as to understand how the ideas relate to each other and with the conclusions reached or with the objective to be achieved. Why is this important? When information is presented in a logical manner, the reader understands, accepts and recalled more easily.

To organize the content of the text in a logical manner, you must first set a goal. They answered the following questions: Do we want only reporting on the subject? Is intended to prove or disprove an idea? Or is the purpose of the text lead to action?

To submit information and do so effectively it is necessary to take into account what other researchers have already shown on the subject, which referred the matter there and then must organize information in a way to achieve the goal.

It is important to bear in mind also that the exposure of the information should be organized. This can be done in some ways including:

1 .-) Organizing information thematically.

2 .-) Exhibition orderly information.

3 .-) Use only relevant information.

2 comentarios:

Lisette dijo...

Intersting, but not what I asked for.
You must identify an expository text and an argumentative test.
Debes identificar un texto argumentativo y otro expositivo.
Aún te faltan esas dos cosas.

Lisette dijo...

Missing argumentative and expositry text up to now.
15 pts